Anti-nuclear activist carries
sunflower at a demonstration of mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe)
©Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Images
Anti-nuclear activists take a part at a demonstration of mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe) |
Anti-nuclear activist shouts slogans at a demonstration of mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe) |
Anti-nuclear activist carries
sunflower at a demonstration of mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe) |
Anti-nuclear activists take a part at a demonstration of mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe) |
Anti-nuclear activists mark to first time in 42 years that the Japan’s
electricity supply has not been derived energy from nuclear reactors at
Minami-Hotie Park on May 5 2012 Osaka, Japan. Japan's last-operating nuclear plant at Tomari village was
shut down on May 5. (Photo by Buddhika Weerasinghe) |
Copyright © 2009 - 2010 Street Photo Gallery. All rights reserved Buddhika Weerasinghe.
I'm a member of this anti-nuclear activists group.
Thank you for writing such a nice articles and taking beautiful photos!!!
We were glad to celebrate no-nukes day with you!
ブディカさんにおかれましても、今後共このブログを活用して素敵なメッセージを世界配信し続けてくださいませ。o(_ _〃)
Pecoの会 Ponta∩(=^エ^=)
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